BMR Calculator

The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculator is designed to estimate the number of calories your body needs to maintain basic physiological functions at rest. BMR represents the amount of energy expended by the body to sustain vital functions such as breathing, circulation, and maintaining body temperature.

BMR Calculator

Here's how to use the BMR calculator:

  1. Input Information:
    • Gender: Select your gender from the dropdown menu. The BMR calculation differs slightly based on gender due to differences in body composition.
    • Age: Enter your age in years. Age influences metabolism, with BMR generally decreasing with age.
    • Weight: Enter your weight in kilograms. Weight is a significant factor affecting BMR.
    • Height: Enter your height in centimeters. Taller individuals typically have a higher BMR.
  2. Calculate: After inputting your information, click the "Calculate" button. The JavaScript function calculateBMR() will compute your BMR based on the Harris-Benedict Equation.
  3. View Results: Once you click the "Calculate" button, the calculated BMR will be displayed below the input fields. The result will be shown in terms of calories per day.
  4. Interpretation: The displayed BMR value represents the estimated number of calories your body requires to maintain basic functions if you were at rest all day. It's important to note that this value doesn't account for additional calories burned through physical activity or exercise.
  5. Usefulness: Understanding your BMR can be helpful for various health and fitness goals, such as weight management. By knowing your BMR, you can better understand your calorie needs and adjust your diet and exercise routine accordingly.

Remember, this tool provides an estimate, and individual metabolic rates may vary. For personalized nutrition and fitness advice, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian.

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