Body Fat Calculator

A Body Fat Calculator is a tool designed to estimate the percentage of body fat in a person's body. This calculator typically uses various physical measurements, such as height, neck circumference, waist circumference, and hip circumference, to provide an estimate. The U.S. Navy Method, used in our example, is one of the most common formulas for calculating body fat percentage based on these measurements.

Body Fat Calculator

How to Use the Body Fat Calculator

Components of the Calculator

  • Gender: Choose either male or female.
  • Age: Enter your age.
  • Height: Enter your height in centimeters.
  • Neck Circumference: Measure and enter your neck circumference in centimeters.
  • Waist Circumference: Measure and enter your waist circumference in centimeters.
  • Hip Circumference (only for females): Measure and enter your hip circumference in centimeters.

Steps to Use

  • Fill Out the Form:
    • Gender: Select your gender from the dropdown menu.
    • Age: Enter your age in the provided field.
    • Height: Enter your height in centimeters.
    • Neck Circumference: Measure your neck and enter the circumference in centimeters.
    • Waist Circumference: Measure your waist and enter the circumference in centimeters.
    • Hip Circumference: (For females) Measure your hips and enter the circumference in centimeters.
  • Calculate:
    • Click the "Calculate" button to process the information.
  • View Result:
    • The calculator will display your estimated body fat percentage in the result area below the form.

Example Usage

  • Fill Out the Form:
    • Select "Male" or "Female".
    • Enter your age, for example, "25".
    • Enter your height, for example, "175 cm".
    • Enter your neck circumference, for example, "40 cm".
    • Enter your waist circumference, for example, "85 cm".
    • If you are female, also enter your hip circumference, for example, "95 cm".
  • Calculate:
    • Click the "Calculate" button.
  • View Result:
    • The estimated body fat percentage will appear, for example, "Estimated Body Fat Percentage: 18.50%".