Google Adsense Disclosure

Effective Date: August 19, 2024

GymEdin uses Google Adsense, a web advertising service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). This Google Adsense Disclosure provides information on how we use Google Adsense on our website and how it may impact your experience.

1. What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is a program that allows website publishers to display targeted advertisements on their websites. These ads are provided by Google and are relevant to the content of the website or the interests of the site's visitors.

2. How Google Adsense Works

  • Ad Placement: Google places advertisements on GymEdin based on your visits to our website and other websites you have visited.
  • Cookies: Google uses cookies to help serve ads on our site. These cookies allow Google and its partners to serve ads to you based on your visit to our site and/or other sites on the internet.

3. Personalized Advertising

Google may use information from your visits to GymEdin and other websites to show you personalized ads. This is known as interest-based advertising. Personalized ads are tailored to your interests and browsing behavior.

4. Opting Out of Personalized Ads

If you prefer not to see personalized ads from Google Adsense, you can opt out by:

5. Third-Party Vendors

In addition to Google, other third-party vendors or ad networks may also be serving ads on our website. These third-party vendors may use cookies to display ads based on your past visits to our website or other websites. You can opt out of third-party vendors' use of cookies for personalized advertising by visiting

6. Data Collection and Privacy

GymEdin does not have control over the data that Google or its partners collect. We encourage you to review Google's Privacy Policy to understand how they collect, use, and share your data. You can review Google’s privacy practices by visiting Google's Privacy Policy.

7. Support Our Website

The revenue generated from Google Adsense ads helps us maintain and grow GymEdin, allowing us to continue providing free and valuable content to our users. Your support by engaging with these ads is greatly appreciated.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our use of Google Adsense or how it affects your experience on GymEdin, please contact us at:

Thank you for visiting GymEdin and for supporting our efforts to provide high-quality fitness resources and guides.